Well my roomate Lydia and I in the spirit of Old Italy with the adventurous hearts of the New World ventured into our leftovers and created this culinary delight, and so we now share it with you.
1 Trader Joes Fresh Pizza Dough
1 Jar of your Favorite Alfredo sauce...or you can be a Betty and make it if you want!
1 C. Cooked Quinoa
1 Handful of fresh Sweet Basil Leaves
1/2 C. Diced Peppers, red, greeen, yellow, orange.
1/2 C. Squash (also leftover from the Ratatouille the night before)
1/4 C. Fresh julianned Red Onion1/2 Beefsteak or Roma tomato sliced thin
Assemble and TOP-IT:
After you have allowed your dough sufficient time to rest at room temperature, roll it out or hand toss to your preffered shape and size. I prefer thin crust so I hand toss it thin and square to fit on a cookie sheet. My dough is rarely even or pleasant looking...it is going to be covered up anyways so don't try to hard or get yourself frustrated. It is just the begining!
Once you have your dough spread out on a well oiled cookie sheet or on your fancy pizza stone then poke it all over with a fork and pop it in the oven for 1-3 minutes to let it set and rise some more. Prepare all your ingredients by chopping them up or slicing them elegantly to layer onto your dough.
Once you dough comes out of the oven a little pre-cooked, top it with your alfredo sauce, followed by evenly sprinkled cooked quinoa. Then your vegetables, squash, peppers, and tomatoes, followed by your basil leaves and evenly distributed shredded cheeses.
Don't feel restricted to these ingredients, use whatever side dish leftovers you have available but beware...the more ingredients the harder it is to bake so it is recomended to keep it under 3-4 main toppings.
Preheat your oven to 400-450 depending on your pizza dough instructions. Don't forget to pop that dough in the oven for a few minutes before topping it. Once it is fully topped place it in the dead center of your oven and close that door and don't open it until your cheese is melted and starting to become golden around the edges near the crust.
Once you see the cheese start to hint of golden brown near the edges it is time to take it out and let it rest for 5+ minutes while all the toppings marinate together.
Then cut it, dive in, and enjoy! Remember...Pizza is not pretty, it was originally meant for the dogs...but this one tastes like it was mean for kings and queens!
I Love this Pizza! Its so fresh and so many different flavors. Thanks Andee and Lydia ;)