A few notes of preparation for a week of delicious chicken items:
Here is what you need to get started! Preheat your oven to 400 Degrees Farenheit
1 (3 1/2 pound) whole chicken
Salt and pepper
1 bunch basil
5 cloves garlic (pop them whole skin on in the microwave for 10 seconds and the skin pops right off!)
2 Key Limes (or your favorite citrus fruit)
Place your chicken in a roasting pan or casserole dish. Pat it dry with a paper towel. The dryer your bird, the crispier the skin. Slather it in olive oil, salt and pepper. Stuff the inside with a healthy handful of fresh basil leaves. Then tuck 5-7 garlic cloves into all the hidden places you can find. Under the wings and the legs, in the cavity, under the skin, and anywhere you can manage to sneak them. Lastly, squeeze the juice of your favorite citrus fruit over the top of the bird, giving it a little acid wash and a hint of flavor.
I like the look of a trussed bird. Some say it cooks unevenly and isn't the best way to go, but I preferr it. However, if you don't have trussing string, don't use a pair of shoelaces, just go without, it won't hurt a thing.
Tie the legs togeher in the back and cut a small slit in the front of each thigh then tuck the wings in tight while you wrap a piece of twine around the breast of the bird, top to bottom securing the wings in place tucked up close to the breast and into the thigh.
Finally, leave your lime leftovers in the pan for a delightful aroma in your home as it roasts. Place your dressed up bird in the center of the roasting pan, in the center of the oven, and I suggest you turn the oven down to 375 and roast it 20 minutes per pound. About an hour. Always use your meat thermometer and check to be sure your bird is fully cooked.
When your bird is cooked, you can have it for sunday dinner, or do as I always would shredd it up and have lots of leftover dishes through the week. Chicken tacos, chicken salad, chicken and rice...etc. But whatever you do...DONT TOSS OUT THOSE BONES!
Toss them in a freezer bag and put 'em in the freezer because sometime this week I will teach you how to make a masterpiece out of them! Every part of the bird is useful!
I want to see a picture of the finished product!